Cove Ladies
Ladies who gather together once a month – usually at different local cafes on a Saturday morning – with the invitation for others to join in. A great opportunity to connect and be blessed over coffee.
A group for the ‘age-enriched’ who meet once a month, providing fellowship and further care in community. They enjoy a range of outings, sharing meals, and guest speakers.
Bible Study
There are a number of study groups meeting including: a Tuesday morning group gathering at the Church fortnightly; and a Wednesday evening group gathering fortnightly in people’s homes.
Men in the Shed
The Men in the Shed meet on Thursdays from 9am-12pm and provides a facility primarily for the benefit of men who are seeking to join with others in utilising their existing skills, learn new ones, and fellowship with men of the local community.
We don't currently have any young peoples ministry group.
Young children are welcome to make use of our Children's Activity bags in the church area, or there is a Children's 'Cry' room with some play facilities.

Indoor Bowls

Kismet Drama (for children)
Tuesdays, 5:00 – 6:30pm (during school terms)
Contact: Carina
0411 028 466
Indoor Bowls
Tuesdays, 9:30am – 12:30pm
Contact: Helen
0407 399 505
Over 50s Club
A social club for those over 50
1st Friday of the month, 1pm for a 1.30 start
Contact: Angela
0434 198 669
0418 824 983
We have two main areas that are available to hire.
Either the hall and kitchen, or the church and kitchen, or you can hire the complete premises.
All hires include the use of our outdoor BBQ area.
We welcome single hires for events or parties, or regular hire for weekly or monthly use.
To have a look around the building please either visit during office hours or contact the Church Office by phone or email and they’ll get someone to meet you at a suitable time.
To download application forms (including Terms and Conditions) please click below.